Wishaw Press

Fears another election is just round the corner

Harry Steele Des Kane Vivian George Joe Marshall PM has plenty to answer for say readers

- Ross Thomson

Debate viewer Big fear Fed up No informatio­n

The extraordin­ary General Election result has left the UK with a hung parliament and Prime Minister Theresa May clinging onto power by doing a deal with the DUP.

With the prospect of yet another election being called before the end of the year, we took to the streets of Wishaw to ask the public their thoughts on the prospect of yet another election campaign.

Harry Steele said: “I don’t mind watching the debates but I don’t like most politician­s.

“I would like them to do more things. They always seem to be lying to you just to get your vote.”

Vivian George said: “I’m getting fed up with it now. It seems to be one election after another.

“I think the only person who was disappoint­ed was my son as he was only 17 and his birthday was the day after the general election.”

Des Kane believes there will be another election before the year is out.

He added: “It is getting a bit tiresome to a certain degree.

“My biggest fear is there could be another election around October or November time.

“The Prime Minister has done herself no favours.”

Joe Marshall, from Craigneuk, said: “I was fed up even before this election.

“I found that especially during the Brexit referendum there wasn’t enough informatio­n to the public.”

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