Wishaw Press

Abuse claims not proven


A Shotts man walked free from court after a charge that he subjected a woman to 14 years of abuse was found to be not proven.

Ian Thomson, of Dyfrig Street, pleaded not guilty to the charge against him and stood trial at Hamilton Sheriff Court.

The 44-year-old was accused of punching the woman, slapping her about the head and body, calling her abusive and derogatory names, shouting at her, smashing household items, seizing and dragging her by the hair, biting her on the nose, pushing her on the body and causing her to fall to the ground.

Thomson was also alleged to have struck the woman on the body with a slipper and a kitchen utensil, holding a hot spoon against her body, shutting her hand in a door and spitting in her food.

He also allegedly slapped her on the head and body, seized her by the neck, threatened her with violence and to kill her, poured hot and cold water over her, struck her on the body with a chair, threw a number of household items at her, lunged at her and attempted to seize her by the neck which caused her to lock herself in the bathroom to escape violence.

He also denied repeatedly kicking and banging the door of the bathroom and slapping her on the face whilst holding a knife.

The offences were alleged to have taken place on various occasions between December 1, 1999, and March 3, 2013, in Motherwell and elsewhere.

Having heard all the evidence in the trial, the jury returned a verdict of not proven in the case meaning Thomson was free to leave the dock.

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