Wishaw Press

Ben Ramage


A group of walkers are pleading with vandals to stop wrecking a Wishaw nature reserve.

Several Cambusneth­an residents are distraught at the state of paths at Greenhead Moss, also known as the Perchy Pond, which they believe are endangerin­g dogs and young children.

Norma Fife, who walks her collie daily at the Moss, said the damage needs to stop to keep the park safe for those who use it.

She said: “A lot of people are very angry about this.

“There are people setting fires here, breaking alcohol bottles and vandalisin­g anything they can get their hands on.

“Dog walkers are now having to pick up broken glass on their way round so that their dogs’ paws don’t get injured. “It’s dangerous and it’s just not on.” Norma is also upset that people from surroundin­g areas who come to walk at the nature reserve are getting a bad impression of Wishaw due to the damage.

She said: “People come from Motherwell, Carluke and further afield to walk at the pond.

“What sort of impression do they leave with if there is broken glass and rubbish everywhere? Eventually they’ll just stop coming which would be a real shame for the town.”

Councillor Nicky Shelvin said residents take pride in the area – but he believes they are fighting a losing battle.

“This has been going on for two or three years now.

“There has been more police presence but police resources are scant on the ground and they cannot be there all the time,” said Councillor Shevlin, who says he knows of dog owners who have stopped exercising their pets there due to broken glass.

“It is the same ones that go in and destroy the place.

“There is nothing sacred – it is wanton vandalism.

“If they are caught, they will pay for it.

“They should be forced to repair the damage they have been doing.”

 ??  ?? Fed up Wishaw dog walkers are sick of the vandalism at the Perchy Pond
Fed up Wishaw dog walkers are sick of the vandalism at the Perchy Pond

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