Wishaw Press

Hopping down to see the kids

Easter Bunny in choc mission

- Ben Ramage

A kind- hearted business owner is looking to bring some chocolate cheer to unwell Wishaw kids this Easter Sunday.

Billy Stevenson, from Shotts, runs children’s entertainm­ent group Loony Tunes Disco which provides music and mascots for parties across the area.

During Sunday’s busy Easter shift, he is heading to the children’s unit at University Hospital Wishaw to hand out free eggs with his giant Easter Bunny mascot.

“We normally supply mascots for parties and school events and we’ll be doing quite a few Easter drop-ins on Sunday,” Billy explained.

“But I thought I’d like to give a wee bit back to the community and hopefully by giving away free eggs in the kids’ unit we can put a wee smile on some of their faces.

“When we went up to buy them at the supermarke­t lots of kids were coming up to give the big bunny a hug so hopefully it’s going to go down well.”

As well as giving something back to the community, Billy’s young son Kenzie also inspired him to donate to the children’s unit.

“I’ve got a boy who’s only seven and you just don’t know when you might need the unit at the hospital,” said Billy, who now stays in Newmains.

“People take it for granted that it’s always there so we should do all we can to help it out.”

Billy, who is a machine operator by day but has been a party DJ for around 30 years, is helped to run his entertainm­ent venture by his wife Christine and 17- year- old daughter Tamara – who helps out with face-painting.

 ??  ?? Egging him on Young Kenzie is helping his dad deliver the eggs to sick children
Egging him on Young Kenzie is helping his dad deliver the eggs to sick children

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