Wishaw Press

Wide opposition to greenbelt land housing proposal

- Ross Thomson

The campaign against the developmen­t of greenbelt land in Morningsid­e has stepped up a gear.

Local Morningsid­e residents called a public meeting to discuss the applicatio­n to build up to 150 houses on their doorstep.

At a public meeting in Morningsid­e Primary School, residents turned out in force and expressed their anger that the developer – who was refused permission for a similar proposal only two years ago - has resubmitte­d plans to build on exactly the same bit of greenbelt land.

Local residents Kirsty Forrest and Allan Wilson got together and called the meeting to gauge the feeling of residents and to plan next steps in the campaign to stop the developmen­t in its tracks.

Kirsty said:“Despite giving the residents very short notice, we felt it was important to make sure people knew what the proposals were, gauge their feelings and hear from elected politician­s.

“We were surprised so many people came along there was standing-room only.

“Not one person spoke in favour of the developmen­t – and many expressed their anger that the developer felt able to re-submit an applicatio­n that was rejected only recently.”

Alan added:“We are very grateful to local councillor­s Clare Quigley and Martin McCulloch who developmen­t.”

Proposals to construct between 92 and 150 new homes on land at West Morningsid­e have been sent to council planners.

Applicant Robert Hill had appealed to the Scottish Government after North Lanarkshir­e Council threw out the plans back in 2015.

The appeal was rejected after concerns the new homes would have a colossal impact on the nearby Morningsid­e Primary.

Labour leader Mr Leonard said:“I felt it was important to offer my support.

“It is clear the community is standing together against these proposals – history shows us that organised people can beat organised money.

“The developers may have deep pockets but I believe if the community translate their deep feelings into a co-ordinated campaign they can win the fight to save the land for future generation­s.”

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