Wishaw Press

Tech guys boxing on

- Dalziel High School

Teen Tech Awards

Three boys in S3, Callum Sergeant, Colin Gass, and Cameron Gunn, are in a national competitio­n, the TeenTech Awards, and are planning on reinventin­g one very important piece of airplane technology.

They have been very kindly loaned a previously functional black box by British Airways.

The TeenTech Awards are an annual initiative run by TeenTech that challenges young people aged 11- 19 to tackle key societal and environmen­tal issues using the power of science, technology and engineerin­g.

Each year, finalists present their ideas live to a panel of judges made up of celebritie­s, journalist­s and eminent academics.

The overall winners will then be invited to present their idea to HRH Duke of York Award sponsors include Accenture, Atkins, CILIP, Cross Country Trains, GSK, FDM Group, JVCKenwood, Lloyds Banking Group, Rolls Royce and Symantec.

In a d d i t i o n , m o re t han 35 universiti­es and 70 companies mentor students for the TeenTech Awards. A huge thanks to all who have helped them so far, and a special thank you for British Airways.

The Digital Internship Programme

Congratula­tions go to Miriam Mathie in S5 who was successful in winning a place on the Digital Internship Programme with the Scottish National Centre of Languages (SCILT) in May.

Miriam was one of over 100 applicants and 40 pupils interviewe­d for only six positions.

Miriam will learn about digital media and promote language learning and will take up her role in August whilst also studying further Highers.

She said: “The SCILT/CISS training day was absolutely amazing.

“We got detailed training within audience, content, planning and safety whilst working in our small group of six to come up with our work schedule for the future.

“It was lovely to hear from SCILT/CISS employees about their experience­s and give us insight into what we should try and aim to do with our project.

“They allowed us to take the lead as well as get to know each other so well that we all stepped out of training as good friends.

“Languages are so important, not only do they push you career-wise but give you amazing opportunit­ies to make connection­s you’ll always keep.”

The Dalzielian 2018 – Out Now!

This is an ideal way to remember memories from the past year and you can collect your copy from the School Office – price £12. Limited quantity so get your Dalzielian before they are sold out.

School prize-giving

This annual event took place on Thursday to celebrate the academic and sporting achievemen­ts for this year.

As always, it was a special event for those receiving awards and a recognitio­n of all the hard work by the pupils and also through the dedication of all the staff.

There was another awards ceremony in the school on Monday morning to recognise the merits gained in the junior school.

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 ??  ?? Presentati­on British Airways staff hand over the black box to Dalziel students
Presentati­on British Airways staff hand over the black box to Dalziel students

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