Wishaw Press

District News


Inner Wheel Club The Inner Wheel branch of Motherwell and Wishaw recently held its AGM in the Moorings Hotel, Motherwell. Club president Marjorie welcomed all members and guests to the meeting. After dinner everyone had a chance to chat, before president Marjorie handed over the reins to the new 2018-2019 president, Pearl Arthur. President Pearl thanked Marjorie, on behalf of the club, for a great year as president and also looked forward to her own presidenti­al year. The evening ended with everyone wished the best for the summer, and the club will resume again on the first Tuesday in September in the same venue. Rotary Club The guest speaker at last week’s meeting of the Rotary Club of Motherwell and Wishaw was Samantha Reilly, of Children’s Hospitals Across Scotland better known as CHAS. She told members that for over 20 years CHAS has been caring for families and their babies, children and young people by offering palliative care, family respite and support. During this time it has built two hospices, developed its outreach service, CHAS at Home, and establishe­d a presence in hospitals. The organisati­on has initiated research, represente­d families at the highest levels and campaigned for improvemen­ts to palliative care in Scotland. However, at the heart is its commitment to supporting children and families when they need it most. Reaching every child is its aim. The knowledge that their child may die before they do, is the unthinkabl­e reality that thousands of families across Scotland are forced to cope with each day. Each week, three children die in Scotland from an incurable condition. CHAS is dedicated to supporting every member of these families as they face their toughest challenge. It is committed to making sure that no matter how short their time together, it is filled with happiness and fun. The organisati­on ensures children have the opportunit­y for experience­s they cannot have elsewhere. To smile and have memorable moments of joy – moments that will be treasured forever. Past president John McDonald gave the vote of thanks. Willie Talbot, the foundation convener reminded members that it was time to renew their numbers club membership, Tomorrow will be the handover dinner in the Bentley Hotel, Motherwell, where outgoing president Andrew Murray will welcome incoming president Andrew Steven and his conveners. Dalziel St Andrew’s Parish Church morning worship continues in the church on Sunday at 11am. The service includes British Sign Language signing and electronic note taking to assist those who are deaf or hard of hearing. For those unable to attend the church there is an option to share in the live worship via the church’s website at www.dalzielsta­ndrews.org.uk, or catch up later on You Tube. Although, the Sunday school and Fusion bible class have now finished until August, there will be plenty for the youngsters to do each Sunday, with the start of the summer Sunday holiday club at 11am. It will meet each Sunday in the church and take the theme of an emoji story, with lots of fun and games and snacks on offer. The next community breakfast will be held from 10am until 11.30am on Saturday. It is open to all, who will be welcome to drop in for a hot filled roll and a chat over a cup of tea. All

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