Wishaw Press

Ocean’s 8 (12A)


The infectious­ly entertaini­ng first Ocean’s movie – well, technicall­y second as it was a remake – was the epitome of cool.

Sadly the sequels went over similar ground in lazier, less effective style and by the time the trilogy came to an end in 2007 it was probably best for all involved.

Reboot rumblings have been rumoured for years, though, and Warner Bros eventually chose to go down the Ghostbuste­rs route with an all-female central cast.

The numbers have also been cut by three but other than that and the gender reversal, we’re on similar storyline ground as Sandra Bullock’s Debbie Ocean, sister of George Clooney’s Danny, puts a crew together to attempt a revenge-fuelled heist at New York City’s Met Gala upon her release from prison.

This familiarit­y, along with series tropes of split-screen shots and a jazzy soundtrack, initially feels comforting but then you come to realise that this reboot has nothing new to say.

That’s not to say Ocean’s 8 is a total loss – far from it. First and foremost, the diverse cast are a whole lot of fun. From a neat opening that sees her con her way out of prison and into a fivestar hotel, Bullock is a worthy successor to her on-screen sibling.

Cate Blanchett (Lou) exudes stylish calm, Helena Bonham Carter plays slightly against type as ditsy fashion designer Rose, Anne

 ??  ?? Schemers Blanchett (Lou) and Bullock (Debbie) plan the heist
Schemers Blanchett (Lou) and Bullock (Debbie) plan the heist

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