Wishaw Press

Stokes screamed abuse as partner cowered


Former Celtic striker Anthony Stokes has admitted a campaign of harassment against his partner after they split.

A court heard Eilidh Scott cowered in terror in her mother's house in Shotts as Stokes banged on the door and screamed abuse.

her stomach was “churning” and she was scared of what he might do to her. Minutes earlier the ex hibs man had punched and kicked the car of a man who'd driven Ms Scott home in the early hours.

Stokes, 31, appeared at hamilton Sheriff Court on Monday and admitted a course of conduct over a six-month period which caused the mum of his two-yearold son fear or alarm.

His lawyer said Stokes, who this month signed for Turkish side Adana Demirspor, was embarrasse­d by his behaviour, but added the couple are back together and want to put the episode behind them.

Lynn Mcfauld, prosecutin­g, said the couple had an “on-off” relationsh­ip but split in March last year. Eilidh told the footballer not to contact her, but it was arranged he could Facetime his son via Eilidh’s mum, May.

The fiscal said that despite Eilidh’s plea, Stokes bombarded her with texts, emails and Whatsapp messages over the next six months, on some days sending more than 100.

Mcfauld said that on July 13 last year Eilidh was enjoying a girls’ night at a friend’s house when Stokes sent “numerous” messages, demanding to know what she was doing and who she was with.

She filmed on her phone to show him she was with friends, but this didn’t satisfy Stokes who turned up later that night at her mum’s home in Shotts.

Eilidh’s mum was in the house and could hear Stokes “shouting furiously through the letterbox”.

Mcfauld said Mark Brown, the partner of one of her friends, dropped Eilidh off at the house about 1am.

She told the court: “Mr Brown reversed out of the driveway and as he did so the door of another vehicle opened, causing him to stop abruptly.

“The accused presented himself in the middle of the road, waving his arms and shouting ‘What’s this all about?’

“He walked towards the vehicle and rattled the driver’s window with his fist.

“Mark Brown was fearful things would escalate so drove off, and as he did so the accused kicked his vehicle.”

Mcfauld said Eilidh and her mum witnessed the rammy from their window before Stokes went towards their house.

The fiscal added: “Eilidh Scott is described as being so scared of what the accused might do that her stomach was churning.

“The accused was shouting and swearing, and banging on the front door demanding she open the door.

“He was calling her a slag and a whore.

“Th i s continued for approximat­ely 10 minutes before he left.”

About 4.50am Stokes sent her an apologetic email, telling his ex: “I’m sorry for my reaction tonight. I just love you too much. I snapped tonight.”

Mcfauld also told the court of an incident in Glasgow in September.

There was a similar episode in October when Stokes went to her home and shouted abuse at her living room window.

Mcfauld said Stokes also bombarded Eilidh’s mum with messages regarding contact with his child.

Over a four- day period in February this year she received 82 messages from him, leaving her “frustrated and exhausted”

Although these were not abusive or threatenin­g, her patience finally snapped and she went to the police.

Defence agent Michael Gallen put his client’s behaviour down to the stress of him being overseas while Eilidh was left to look after their child.

He stated: “They hope to put this behind them. They resumed their relationsh­ip in March and there have been no difficulti­es whatsover.”

Gallen suggested sentence could be deferred for a period “to show this behaviour is in the past”, but Sheriff Alasdair Macfadyen said he wanted a criminal justice social work report before dealing with the case.

Stokes, who is on bail, was ordered to return to court for sentence on September 9.

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