Wishaw Press

Chance of help


A criminal, who has spent virtually all of his adult years behind bars, could be offered help to turn his life around.

Gary Thomson served a 12-year sentence for attempted murder and has been in and out of prison since, Hamilton Sheriff Court heard on Friday.

Now he’s admitted stealing a car from Abbotsford Crescent, Wishaw, and setting it on fire.

Thomson, 31, a prisoner, also admitted driving without a licence and insurance on August 10 last year.

Scott King, prosecutin­g, said the car owner left the keys in a bowl in her kitchen before going to bed.

About 3am the accused’s ex-partner heard the sound of a car being driven up and down Lomond Road, Coatbridge, where she lives.

She looked out of the window and saw that Thomson was the driver.

Mr King told the court: “The accused drove back to the wishaw area. He left the vehicle on a grass area in Ballater Crescent and set fire to it.

“The car was completely destroyed. It was valued at £7,495.”

When Thomson was quizzed by police he said he was “out of it on valium” at the time.

Defence agent Andy Brophy referred to Thomson’s conviction in 2005 for attempting to murder a taxi driver and robbing him of his car in Glenboig.

Mr Brophy explained: “since the age of 17 he has been at liberty for less than a year. He has been abusing valium and this has caused him his difficulti­es.”

Sheriff Shiona Waldron said that, despite the serious nature of the latest charges, she would call for reports “to see if anything can be done”. Sentence was deferred until August 14.

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