Wishaw Press

Talk about a good laugh for viewers

Voiceover kids praised for ‘witty’ videos


Talented Wishaw and Shotts kids have got viewers in stitches after putting their voices to famous faces.

The creative youngsters, some as young as five, have been recording videos that feature them giving stars like Ariana Grande, Donald Trump and Daniel Craig a hilarious Scottish voiceover.

The videos are produced as part of classes run by Wishawbase­d drama group Go Kids Scotland.

And principal teacher Garry King feels the videos are teaching the children more than just laughter.

Garry explained: “It’s amazing how switched on the children are. We talk about the news at the start of our classes and they were often talking about things like Brexit and Donald Trump.

“A friend of mine, Janey Godley, is a comedian who has been very successful with her voiceover videos taking on the likes of Trump so I thought I’d see how the kids would get on with it.

“They’ve absolutely loved it. They make up their own stories and then get to use the recording equipment to record them for the videos. The results have been really funny and it’s amazing how witty they can be.

“It’s also really helping them to build their confidence, as I’ve seen a real improvemen­t in their public speaking. It helps them to build up their teamwork skills too as they learn to interact with each other better.”

The videos have been such a success that Janey has heaped praise on them, as well as sharing them on her own social media channels.

Posting on one of the clips, Janey said: “This is amazing. We laughed so much, am so proud of you all.”

And Gary hopes that the success of the videos gives the kids a big boost as they grow up.

He added: “I asked Janey if she was okay with us borrowing her idea and she’s been totally supportive of the kids.

“She’s the first person to comment on them now and has been sharing them with thousands of her own fans too.

“While the videos are lightheart­ed, we make sure they never become malicious and are teaching them that online bullying is never okay.”

You can see the children’s videos at www.facebook.com/ gokidscotl­and

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