Wishaw Press

No Love lost in attack on victim


A man assaulted a woman at a flat in Wishaw before struggling with police.

Marc Love attacked his victim at the address in Maxton Crescent, Coltness, on June 1.

During the course of the assault, Love punched and kicked the woman on the body.

The 29-year-old pleaded guilty to an amended charge earlier this month and appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court this week for sentencing.

Love also admitted a string of charges against him relating to the Coltness incident.

On that date Love, of Watson Street, Motherwell, behaved in a threatenin­g manner likely to cause fear and alarm in the street and enroute to Motherwell Police Office.

Love began shouting, swearing and made offensive remarks to the woman before issuing threats of violence towards her and others, repeatedly kicking a door and struggling with police officers.

He also pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice by giving officers a false name and date of birth.

There were three other charges admitted by Love.

On April 17 in Watson Street and enroute to the town’s police station, Love behaved in a threatenin­g manner by shouting, swearing and made offensive remarks to a woman before issuing threats of violence towards her and others, repeatedly kicking a door and struggling with police officers.

A day earlier, Love stole confection­ary from the Spar store in Motherwell’s Leven Street and on April 15 he nicked a quantity of meat from the Co-op store in Mill Road, Hamilton.

In court this week, Love had his sentence postponed until August with Sheriff Linda Nicolson instead ordering a second stage Drug Treatment Testing Order Assessment to be carried out.

Love was granted bail in the meantime. It’s easy to get your news into print

 ??  ?? Assault Marc Love attacked his victim at a home in Maxton Crescent
Assault Marc Love attacked his victim at a home in Maxton Crescent

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