Wishaw Press

Booted pregnant girlfriend


A brute who kicked his pregnant girlfriend has been sent to prison for 18 months.

Mercifully, no harm was done to the unborn child, Hamilton Sheriff Court was told.

Ex-soldier Ben Graham, 33, denied assaulting Amy Spence at a flat in Coursingto­n Tower, Motherwell, on June 22, but a jury found him guilty.

An allegation that he threatened the woman with a knife was dropped during the trial.

The court was told that both have had drug problems and argued over missing methadone before violence erupted in the flat.

This was Graham’s fifth conviction on indictment for a crime of violence, but solicitor Diarmid Bruce stressed there was nothing on his record for domestic abuse.

He added: “Fortunatel­y, there was no significan­t injury in this case.

“Ben Graham was in the army and has no explanatio­n for how his life has disintegra­ted.

“He chose to take drugs and things have spiralled out of control.

“On this occasion he and Ms Spence had a crazy argument. Both have difficulti­es with drugs and their relationsh­ip is over.

“While in custody awaiting this case, he has been going to AA meetings and he is also attending courses.”

Sheriff Ray Small noted that social workers described Graham as being at “very high risk” of further offending.

Given his record, it had to be a prison sentence, but it was backdated to July 4 because of time already spent in custody.

The sheriff also imposed a non-harassment order, banning Graham from contacting Ms Spence for three years.

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