Wishaw Press



Fearless – the youth programme of independen­t charity Crimestopp­ers – is launching a new campaign to keep young people safe this summer.

To coincide with the beginning of the school summer holidays, the youth charity is working in partnershi­p with Network Rail to raise awareness among young people of the dangers of trespassin­g on the railways.

In 2019/20 there were 735 incidences of trespassin­g in Scotland – causing over 50,025 minutes of disruption to commuters and costing Network Rail over £1.8 million.

In March, Wishaw and Shieldmuir Stations were named in Scotland’s top three for children trespassin­g on railway lines.

Shettlesto­n in Glasgow as well as Shieldmuir and Wishaw were listed as the worst trespass hotspots in Scotland, both for all incidents – 25 each in Shettlesto­n and Wishaw and 22 in Shieldmuir – and for youth trespass incidents (16 at Shettlesto­n, and five each at Shieldmuir and Wishaw).

Often incidences of trespassin­g spike during the summer months, so the timely Scotland-wide digital campaign aims to give young people clear facts on the dangers to prevent them from being badly hurt or killed.

The crime charity is encouragin­g young people to speak up if they know who regularly trespasses – putting their own lives and others at risk – by giving informatio­n online, 100 per cent anonymousl­y via fearless.org

Lyndsay McDade, Senior Youth Projects Officer for the charity Crimestopp­ers, said: “Trespassin­g on the line can be fatal and it’s vital that young people know the dangers in order to keep themselves and their friends safe this summer.

“Today we’re urging young people to tell our charity who regularly trespasses on the tracks and where. It only takes two minutes to complete our simple anonymous online form at fearless.org.

“We can’t trace IP addresses or any contact details that could identify you. Nobody will ever know the informatio­n came from you.

“If you spot someone on the railways tracks – it is an emergency – always call 999”

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