Wishaw Press

Battling baby Angus is a wheel gone kid


Seeing the care his premature son received during a lengthy stay at Wishaw’s hospital has prompted one man to get on his bike for charity.

Barry Nelson will get behind the handlebars with three friends for a 425mile cycle next month to raise cash for the hospital’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) after staff saved the life of son Angus.

Barry said: “I wouldn’t know where to start in trying to thank all the NICU staff that looked after Angus and the rest of us.

“Hopefully raising some money that they can use to purchase essential equipment or items that can be used to help other families that go through the same journey in the future can help to show our gratitude.”

Angus was due on March 28 but the week before Christmas, Barry’s wife Katie went into premature labour and was urgently transferre­d from the Borders General Hospital, near their home in Earlston to Wishaw.

On December 23, Angus arrived, 14 weeks premature and weighing only 2lb 2oz.

Initially Angus made steady progress but on New Year’s Day he took a turn for the worse.

The days that followed were very tough and his chances of survival were constantly in the balance.

Katie said: “It was looking like things would stabilise and he would do things in his own time.

“But he was getting into difficulty and he seemed to get worse.”

Barry added: “The staff in the NICU were a great support to us and took the time to explain every aspect of his care.

“The doctors said they were running out of options and he would have to start doing things for himself.

“If I’m being honest I don’t think we realised what they were saying but it was more critical than we thought.”

Thankfully young Angus managed to pull through and was well enough to be transferre­d down to Borders General Hospital near the couples home on March 13 – one week before lockdown began.

Now back home, Angus is still on oxygen support 24 hours a day but he has been progressin­g at pace and apart from looking a bit small for an eight-month-old baby is doing well considerin­g the start he had in life. Now Barry, along with friends Ewan Rusack, Ross Murray and Ian Whiteford, will be cycling from John O’ Groats to Earlston – a total of 485 miles.

The couple hopes that the money raised will help families like them who have to stay at the hospital while their children or relatives are being cared for.

Katie said: “The staff at the hospital couldn’t do enough for us. Aside from the care they gave Angus they helped us with things such as telling us where we could eat and where we could take our two-year-old son Fraser to go to give him a day out.

“We were put up in a flat on the hospital grounds which was great for us as we were able to bring Fraser up as well. They even gave us some time in the hospital nursery for him.

“We spoke to another family who were in the same position as us and they felt the same.”

Barry continued: “We had decided pretty early on in our experience that we wanted to do a bit of fundraisin­g and I had done a bit of cycling before when I had taken part in triathlons.

“I started doing a lot of cycling during lockdown and the training has been going well. The 485 miles works out as five miles for every day Angus was in Wishaw.”

To donate to Barry’s fundraisin­g page visit https://www.justgiving.com/ crowdfundi­ng/wishaw-nicu-an-cycle

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