Wishaw Press

It’s hall to play for after £790k boost


A plan to turn a hall in Shotts into a modern community hub has moved one step closer.

Springhill Hall has received a whopping £790,000 from the Scottish Government’s Regenerati­on Capital Grant Fund.

The cash will transform the hall, which would include a bike pump track, green space and groups for all ages.

In 2019, the hall, which had been under threat of demolition, was taken over by local group, Getting Better Together, in an asset transfer deal.

GBT executive manager June Vallance said: “We are all absolutely delighted. It has been three years of hard work which has paid off.

“It has been a long road to get to this stage so we are all pleased. It has been a real team effort.

“This will be a hub for everyone in

Shotts and especially Springhill as we don’t have a lot of facilities up there.

“This will create groups for mums, youngsters and older people. It will be fantastic.”

Shotts MSP Alex Neil congratula­ted the group on its success.

He said: “Springhill Community Hub is a fantastic facility which provides vital support for people across Shotts so I am delighted to see that the SNP Government will be providing this extra funding to tackle inequaliti­es and deliver growth.

“The Regenerati­on Capital Grant Fund has been vital in supporting community-led regenerati­on projects and has invested more than £200 million since 2014.

“As we look towards our recovery from the Covid-19 crisis, this investment in our communitie­s will be vital.

“Throughout the pandemic there has been a focus on buying from, and supporting, local businesses and initiative­s, and long may that continue. This latest round of investment will help to support our town centres to build sustainabl­e spaces to support jobs and training.”

Schemes around Scotland are to receive a share of £25 million from the RCGF.

Communitie­s Secretary Aileen Campbell said: “Together with COSLA we have invested almost £200 million through this fund since 2014 in support of locally-led regenerati­on projects which help to build the resilience and wellbeing of communitie­s. I am pleased that a further 26 projects will benefit.

“We have had to lead our lives locally, pulling together more as communitie­s, to see off the many challenges arising from coronaviru­s. This latest round of investment into local projects continues our ongoing support for vibrant and accessible communitie­s.”

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