Wishaw Press

Violent thug given 4 years for assaults


A man has been put behind bars for a total of four years after a series of assaults in Shotts.

One of Robert Jack’s victims suffered a broken arm while another had stitches put in face wounds.

Jack, 31, a prisoner, was sentenced after Hamilton Sheriff Court’s first jury trial since the Covid-19 outbreak almost a year ago.

Jurors watched the court proceeding­s from socially distant seats at the Odeon cinema in East Kilbride.

They found Jack guilty of assaulting a man in Southfield Avenue on July 24, 2019.

The jury also convicted him of attacking two other men at separate addresses in Inverkip Drive on May 1 last year.

One victim told the court he went for a smoke on his doorstep then woke up in a pool of blood.

The dad of two said he’d come out of the shower and was wearing only a towel at the time.

He needed stitches in wounds to his nose and above his eye.

The victim, 30, told prosecutor Michael Macintosh: “I was sitting at the back door, having a fag.

“I just had a towel around me as I had been in the shower.

“I heard a big bang – the gate sounded as if it had been broken through.

“The next thing I woke up in a pool of blood with my neighbours trying to help me.”

The victim said he was taken to hospital for treatment, adding: “I couldn’t see my weans for two weeks because of the state of my face.

“It wouldn’t have been nice for them to see it.

“I told them I had fallen down the stairs. I still have scars.”

It was put to the witness that he’d told the police the identity of his attacker, but the victim said he couldn’t remember that.

The court also heard that another victim was knocked to the ground then punched and kicked repeatedly while another was punched repeatedly.

One victim suffered cuts and bruising, and a broken bone in his arm that required him to wear a plaster cast.

Another was not badly hurt.

Jack was also accused of wilfully setting fire to and damaging a white Audi A3 in Quarry Street, Shotts, on May 19 last year, sending threatenin­g messages to his ex-partner that day and breaching a curfew.

The jury returned not proven verdicts on those charges.

Sheriff Alasdair MacFadyen was told that Jack has previous conviction­s, including one for supplying cannabis that landed him a 15-month jail sentence in 2016.

His four-year stretch was backdated as he has been in custody since July.

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