Wishaw Press

Attack victim’s life was at risk


A couple brutally attacked a man - who was jealous of a photo of them kissing.

Frank Wright, 29, and Jodie Foster, 30, turned on their victim outside flats in Motherwell on New Year’s Day 2019.

Wright and Foster had recently got together at the time after he had previously fathered two children with her sister.

Foster meantime was an ex-lover of the victim.

Prosecutor Greg Farrell told the High Court in Glasgow:“(The victim) had, earlier that day, seen a Facebook posting showing a picture of Wright and Foster kissing.

“(The victim) was jealous as he had hoped to reconcile with Foster.”

The victim was described in the hours before the attack as “wound up”and making threats about Wright.

Mr McNeil then turned up at Foster’s home in the early hours of January 1 carrying a metal pole.

Foster answered before the victim was soon set upon by Wright.

The victim tried to escape, but was caught in the tower block car park.

Mr Farrell said:“He was struck with a metal weapon several times by

Wright before being hit on the head causing him to black out.

“Wright repeatedly kicked him on the head and body. Foster repeatedly head-butted (the victim), kicked him as well as slapping and spitting on his face.”

As the stricken victim was dragged around the car park, his clothes came off.

Wright then called Foster’s sister boasting: “Just done him.”

The victim was discovered by police slipping in an out of consciousn­ess.

His injuries included a fractured cheek, rib and internal bleeding. He needed an operation with head wounds also requiring 18 staples.

Medics concluded without surgery, his life was at risk.

Wright, of Bellshill, and Foster, of Lanark, both Lanarkshir­e, had been due to stand trial at the High Court in Glasgow.

But, Wright pled guilty to assaulting the man to the danger of his life while Foster admitted to the lesser role of attacking the victim to his injury.

Both will be sentenced next month.

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