Wishaw Press

Prisoner in horror attack


A cruel inmate scalded a prison officer by throwing a kettle of hot water at his face during a sustained campaign of violence.

Anthony Elliott, asked for guards to attend his cell in HMP Shotts, but whenthedoo­rwas opened the vicious 29-year-old launched the contents of the kettle at the man before threatenin­g him with a blade.

The prison officer was rushed toWishaw General Hospital for treatment to partial thickness burns.

Months earlier Elliott hadbeenfou­ndwitha blade welded to the head of a toothbrush.

He had also spat at a prison nurse after threatenin­g other staff members.

Elliott later took “umbrage”atcomments madeduring­ameeting with prison workers and spat at another guard.

The problemati­c prisoner, who is serving a life sentence, was transferre­d to HMP Glenochil in Clackmanna­nshire, where he torched his cell on three separate occasions by setting mattresses and bedding alight.

The thug caused almost £800worthof­damageto the cells and to smoke alarm systems due to the intensity of the blazes.

Elliot appeared via video link from HMP Glenochil at Hamilton Sheriff Court and admitted assaults, threatenin­g and abusive behaviour, possession of weapons and wilful fire-raising between Februaryan­dNovember last year.

Hewashande­d45 monthsby SheriffMun­go Bovey QC but told the term would run alongside his current order for lifelong restrictio­n.

Describing the moment the officer was attacked, depute fiscal Jennifer Cunningham said:“Prison officers attended following a request from the accused on the telephone. [He] opened the door and the accused exited at speed and threw the contents of a kettle at his face.

“Hethenprod­uceda bladedimpl­ementand pointed it towards the prison officers who drew their batons and the accused backed away.

“The accused then held the implement to his own neck and sank to the floor.

“This was an improvised weaponwith­ametal blade and he then threw downthebla­deandwas escorted away.

“[The officer] was taken to hospital where it was found he had sustained blistering, superficia­l and partial thickness burns to his face.”

Flanked by two security guards in full riot gear, Elliott told the court:“I believe a custodial sentence is inevitable so it doesn’t make a bit of difference.

“It will have no effect and will be as if it didn’t ever happen.

“I have no mitigation or excuses because I really don’t care to be honest.”

Sheriff Bovey said the sentence would have been 60monthsha­dhenotpled guilty.

Elliott, who spends his time in jail in segregatio­n away from other convicts, has been behind bars since he was 16.

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