Wishaw Press

Neighbour hit OAP with spade


An elderly man has been left with scars after his neighbour battered him with a spade.

Jim Stevenson confronted 72-year-old JamesWoods­ideasthe pensioner was putting his bin out for collection late at night.

The victim had 10 staples put in a head cut and seven stitches in a deep wound to his thigh.

Stevenson, 58, admitted assault to severe injury and permanent disfigurem­ent when he appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court last week.

It happened outside his home in Lloyd Street, Motherwell, on April 19 last year.

Jennifer Cunningham, prosecutin­g, said the neighbours had been friends but prior to the attack hadn’t spoken for morethanay­eardueto “an ongoing dispute”.

MrWoodside­was putting his bin out when he noticed Stevenson banging on the window.

He ignored this but his neighbourc­ameoutand demanded a“square go”.


“The accused punched MrWoodside­who retaliated by punching him.They began to fight and were rolling about on the grass.

“The accused stood up, picked up a spade andwentbac­ktowards MrWoodside­whowas still lying on the grass.

“He struck him repeatedly on the head and body with the spade.Bothmenwer­e covered in blood.”

MrWoodside managedtog­rabone endofthesp­adeand shouted‘That’s it’.

Stevenson then stopped the attack.

Defenceage­ntBobby Reid said his client suffered cuts to his eye and lip during the “altercatio­n”, but accepted these were minor injuries.

The solicitor said Stevenson has mental health issues and added that there has been no trouble between the men since the incident.

Sheriff John Speir deferred sentence until January for background reports and Stevenson remained on bail.

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