Wishaw Press


Nicola can’t wait to strut her stuff on NewYork catwalks


A Wishaw woman is set for a superb start to 2022 having been invited to get on the catwalk at NewYork, London, Paris and Milan fashion weeks.

Nicola Creen battled back from being bullied as a teenager to become a top model, culminatin­g in her winning the Miss Caledonia event in 2012.

She is now a qualified life coach and mental health expert and has a wide range of clients from celebritie­s to school kids.

However, the chance to return to the catwalk at some of the biggest fashion weeks in the world was too good to turn down.

Nicola said: “I am delighted to be getting involved as I haven’t done much modelling over the past few years.

“I felt I had nothing to lose so to be involved in something like this is just amazing.

“I will be working with the award-winning dress designer Samina Mughal, with the fashion weeks taking place throughout February and March next year.” And it couldn’t have come at a better time.

Nicola added: “It had been a difficult start to 2021 with a couple of personald problems so it has been a nice end to what has been a tough year.”

Aside from her upcoming work on the catwalk, Nicola has spent the past year pursuing a range of new and exciting projects.

These include completing a course in hypnothera­py, working with a newly-opened gym in Wishaw to promote positive mental health and becoming a trustee of a mental health charity.

Nicola added: “I graduated this week with an diploma in advanced hypnothera­py and have been booked to work with Gym 24 in Wishaw to focus on not just physical health, but mental health too.

“I’m still working as a life coach so if anyone is struggling with their mental health, I have amazing free resources that I can give them if they get in touch at nicolacree­nacademy@ gmail.com.

“I don’t want anyone to feel like they are alone.”

A man caught with child sex abuse images avoided a prison sentence last week.

John Curran, who blamed drink and drugs for his behaviour, was placed under supervisio­n for two years and will be on the sex offenders’ register during that period.

He must also carry out 250 hours of unpaid community work.

Curran told police officers that he would “stumble across stuff ” on his iPad and laptop after taking alcohol and cocaine.

Hamilton Sheriff Court heard that his home in Beechworth Drive, Newarthill, was raided by police at 7am on November 4, 2019.

Curran, 26, admitted downloadin­g i ndecent images of children over a near two-year period from December 9, 2017.

Jennifer McCabe, prosecutin­g, said he told police officers: “When I take drugs I stumble across stuff I shouldn’t. It’s bad.

“It happens after I’ve had a night out, taking alcohol and cocaine.

“I’m going to get off the drink and drugs, and I’m going to seek help.”

Cybercrime officers counted 577 child abuse images on Curran’s iPad and laptop.

Defence agent Andy Thomson pointed out that Curran has no previous conviction­s and has not offended since his arrest nearly two years ago.


 ?? ?? Fashion sense Life coach Nicola Creen is looking forward to getting back on the catwalk
Fashion sense Life coach Nicola Creen is looking forward to getting back on the catwalk

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