Wishaw Press

Pulling out all the moves for Christmas


Membersofa­Wishawkara­teclubhave­dug deep to ensure hard up families have a Christmas to remember.

Tokui Ryu Karate Club, based atWishaw Sports Centre, together with the Saturday Circuit Class have held a toy drive over the past few weeks.

And the team were able to hand over the large number of toys to Pathway Church and MADE4UInML­2.

Sandy Kilgour helped co-ordinate the toy drive along with club Sensei Robert Frame and was delighted with the number of toys handed in.

Sandy said:“With the help of our big fireman friend Greig Nightingal­e we delivered all the donated Christmas gifts to the wonderful peopleatPa­thwayChurc­handMADE4U­IN ML2.

“These wonderful community groups will ensure that Santa’s Ho, ho, ho will be heard a little louder in some people’s homes this Christmas Eve.

“People have really went above and beyond to support us. I have been keeping the toys in my house so I was running out of places to put them.

“These groups do fantastic work in our community so it was great to do our bit.”

Previously the karate club, which trains on

MondayandT­hursdaynig­htsfrom7pm­to 8pm, had helped Baby Bank Scotland during the festive season.

In July the members also donated a large number of goods to the town’s local foodbank.

Sandy added:“Tokui Ryu Karate and Saturday Circuit Class are both not big on numbers but let me tell you that our members, friends, and training pals have massive hearts and we thank each and everyone of you for supporting this great cause and helping make a difference in peoples lives.

“Thinking of others is one of life’s true gift and this has shown that with this wonderful collection.”

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