Wishaw Press

Resident slashed in late night attack

Knifeman had only been released from jail hours earlier


A Motherwell resident was injured when he and neighbours were confronted by a knifeman outside their homes late at night.

Serial offender William Higgins, 31, had been freed from prison only hours earlier, Hamilton Sheriff Court heard this week.

Higgins was jailed for another 31 months. He admitted carrying a knife and stabbing a man in Hadrian Terrace on March 1.

Mairi-Clare McMillan, prosecutin­g, said Higgins was loitering outside houses around midnight.

He told one householde­r “It’s me, Willie” and asked if someone could get him a taxi to Coatbridge.

He claimed to be injured, but there were no signs that he was.

Ms McMillan stated: “The accused went into his pocket and pulled out a lockback knife.

“(The victim) put his hands up and the knife nipped his upper left arm, causing a minor injury. Police traced the accused a short distance away with the help of CCTV.”

Defence agent Carly Macleod said Higgins had been looking for somewhere to stay after being freed from prison in Edinburgh.

She told the court: “He went to his mother’s home, but was intoxicate­d and she asked him to leave.

“He then tried his aunt but, again, was not successful, so he had nowhere to go.

“He was approached and thought he was under attack, so he waved a small potato knife he had picked up.”

Ms Macleod said Higgins has scars from a previous attack that left him paranoid.

She added: “Alcohol and drugs have plagued his life. He accepts he must take positive steps to turn his life around.”

Sheriff Ray Small told Higgins: “It’s fortunate that the injury here was not serious.

“This happened on the very day you were released from prison and you were on two bail orders also.

“You had a supervised release order previously and not even that prevented you returning to offending.

“You say you will take advantage of such an order, but I don’t think it’s suitable.

“It’s for you to attend for such help as you think appropriat­e on your release.”

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