Wokingham Today

Cyclists need to pass a test


Why do I and many others keep asking “why are cyclists not controlled?” Many are totally obnoxious and assume rights that in fact do not exist and should not be allowable in society.

Without quoting the recent London death, or noting witnessed behaviour in Wokingham and the locality, I am assured by the National Press that it is the Police – again – who fail to take any action, or want to.

Cyclists must take a Test and get a Licence, be insured and not allowed anywhere without approved warning devices, good brakes, tyres and so on, plus an annual cycle inspection. A suitable Number Plate will be necessary to prevent quick escapes from transgress­ions.

I used to work with the Police a few years ago, and still retain some friends, until – when I think about it – Theresa May took over the Home Office. Her tenure of that Ministry has altered everything, to the degree that they make up their own rules as to what they will and will not do. My simple mind says “Parliament decides”, not them.

It all leads to the need that has existed for some years, for a National Police Force, apart from London and Manchester. The police are now analogous to the NHS – a collection of little empires, added to by the idiotic idea of Cameron to create some “jobs for the boys” by introducin­g Commission­ers.

Turning to Brexit – a year has passed and not one achievemen­t I believe, other than German Business interests now suggesting the EU and the UK get on with it! Sorry Theresa, but I think you are a disaster at Brexit as well, although I have to soften that claim by saying that you have no-one around you with the abilities needed. You ignore Nigel Farage, you give in too easily, accept watered down potential agreements and so on. We need the guts to negotiate realistica­lly but never from a point of weakness.

Dependent on Jeremy’s policy on such a joyous day, he may become a good friend to you, as would Junkers and his mates in Brussels.

What a threat to the pleasures of their way of life, removed by the lovely Theresa – “we always knew she’d come good for us!”, they’d be saying.

Or: waste no more time, enlist Nigel’s vast abilities. Schnell Bitte! Reg Clion, via email

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