Wokingham Today

Just do it

- The Revd Calvin Julian-Jones, Sindlesham Baptist Church on behalf of Churches Together in Wokingham

FRIDAY, September 15 is set aside to commemorat­e Battle of Britain Day. The Battle of Britain was waged from July to October in 1940, it was the first major campaign fought in the air involving the RAF and the Luftwaffe.

It is thought to have been named as such, following Sir Winston Churchill’s speech, to the House of Commons on 18th June 1940: “What General Weygand has called The Battle of France, is over. The Battle of Britain is about to begin.”

September 15 witnessed the biggest attack by the Nazis forcing the engagement of the entirety of the RAF in defence of London and the South East, which resulted in a decisive British victory that proved to mark a turning point in Britain’s favour in the war, the first real battle Hitler had lost to that point.

This prompted Churchill’s famous speech in which he said “Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few.”

What is often forgotten is that King George VI had called for a second National Day of Prayer, the previous week on Sunday, September 8, 1940.

This followed the Day of Prayer held on May 26, in the same year, which coincided with the miraculous, evacuation of the British Expedition­ary Force from Dunkirk which saved around 330,000 British and Allied infantry, from death or capture.

On September 8, Churches across the land were full and a special service was held at Westminste­r Abbey. People may say that this was only a coincidenc­e but millions of people throughout history myself being one of them know the fact that “when we stop praying coincidenc­es stop happening.”

Even Donald Trump called for a National Day of Prayer in the United States a couple of Sundays ago on September 3.

The good news is that God has given us the gift of prayer and we don’t have to wait until another National Day of Prayer is called, we can speak to Him anywhere anytime.

Go Ahead, as the advert says, “Just do it.”

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