Wokingham Today

Great knowledge bombs

CHRIS HUNT continues his look back over a year of great advice –and looks ahead to the rest of the year


IGAVE you the first 26 weeks’ worth of take home points and quotes in last week’s article so I am not going to hang about today delaying sharing even more knowledge bombs. There were so many awesome points from the first six months of Every Step Counts and today I want to share even more.

So starting with week 27; here we go:

We don’t eat enough fish as a population so supplement­ing with some good quality fish oils is a must. Go down your local supermarke­t or jump online and buy a decent fish oil that contains between 2-3g of combined EPA and DHA. This can be found easily on the back of the pack.

Resilience – Be strong and find ways to bounce back from challenges or bad outcomes.

There is no such thing as a problem, just an opportunit­y to grow and learn a way to do something better.

If you struggle with snacking after dinner and before work then Intermitte­nt Fasting can work for you as the rules are quite rigid. You are not allowed to eat outside the protocol times so knowing this can help with the mental strength sometimes when you fancy that snack. Clearly a side factor is that if you only have six hours to eat then it is highly likely you will eat less than if you have 12 hours to eat.

Take the family swimming as it is one of those activities that is great for family bonding and burns so many calories. I know that when we go swimming I come out shattered and the kids love it too. Use the time to be active and take advantage of everyone being together.

Sun exposure can improve sleep quality.

This is due to Melatonin levels during the day from sunlight. Get outside, get that sun in your face and feel the benefits ironically later in the day.

The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old but on building the new.

For a quick implementa­tion tactic, when you finish your next gym session, finish off with 60 seconds of shadow boxing then rest for 20 seconds and then shadow box again for another 60 seconds. I promise you that you will have a new found respect for profession­al boxers who can go 12 rounds against each other.

No one has the power to shatter your dreams unless you give it to them.

Being AUTHENTIC can be defined as “Coming from a real place within. It is when our actions and words are congruent with your beliefs and values. It is being ourselves, not an imitation of what we think we should be or have been told we should be.

People with good intentions make promises but people with good character keep them.

Create an accountabi­lity partner at work or at home. Decide on a game plan and stick to it.

Your partner can help you when you are starting to deviate away from the plan and vice versa.

One of the most important things we adults can do for young children is to model the type of person we would like them to be.

A lot of people that I see on a regular basis can feel a million times better just by upping their water intake.

It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligen­t, but the one most responsive to change.

Reading and writing helps your personal growth. Try reading 10 pages each morning.

Imagine doing this for one year. You’d have read 3,650 pages, or roughly 18 books!

Never ever underestim­ate the importance of having fun. If you’re not having fun then you are doing something wrong.

Spend 15 minutes every morning looking ahead to your day and seeing what you have in store.

When looking for a place to train out of, look for a place that is inspiratio­nal and motivating. There are far too many places out there that settle and accept average standards. This area is awesome for places to train as we have so many gyms, private studios; private gyms and mobile trainers so have a scout about and find the place that will motivate you.

Have a unique skillset – Learn something new or learn a new skill that no one else you know is skilled in. It’s fun learning new things.

Values are who you are even when no one is watching.

High standards are the foundation for great achievemen­ts.

Both pleasure and pain are great teachers; now use them both to move forward positively.

You don’t get what you wish for…you get what you work for.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. Who are you spending the most time with?

Accountabi­lity is the glue that ties commitment­s to results.

And finally, my favourite quote from last week’s article that I would like to highlight again:

Why change tomorrow when you can change today?

That’s a wrap for today and there you have the second six months’ worth of articles from our amazing Every Step Counts column.

I call it “our column” as I feel we have been sharing a journey since last year when I first started writing for you and you started reading it and taking positive actions.

Why stop there?

Do you want more?

I know I do so I am going to do my best to make the last few months of 2017 the best that they can possibly be.

Thank you for the last 12 months, you have truly made my life better and I hope your life has improved too.

Happy Thursday, see you next week and let’s keep on smashing barriers and exceeding goals and standards.

 ??  ?? Reading daily will help you grow
Reading daily will help you grow

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