Wokingham Today

Woodley Women’s Club


ALTHOUGH the forecast had been for good weather, it turned out to be a cold and windy day for our Table Top Sale at the new Centre Stage in Woodley Shopping Precinct on Friday.

Nonetheles­s, after deducting the £30 we now have to pay to use the stage, we managed to raise £254 for our charity for the year which is for an Ultrasound Scanner for the Royal Berkshire


At our meeting on Monday, October

16, our speaker was Richard Bullock who has spent 30 years researchin­g the assassinat­ion of J F Kennedy.

Fifty-four years ago, on November

22, 1963 the world was shocked to hear of the assassinat­ion of the President and everyone remembers where they were when they heard the news and what they were doing at the time.

His talk covered two conspiracy theories closely linked, the Magic Bullet and the Single Bullet. At the 11th hour the route in Dallas had been changed and there were also changes to the usual motor cavalcade. The Warren Commission was set up to review all the evidence as to what happened on that day and they decided that the President had been shot by Lee Harvey Oswald from the Texas School Book Depositary, but from where the bullets entered the bodies these shots must have come from behind the Grassy Knoll and not the Book Depositary. Cameras were taken from witnesses and photos taken with these cameras were never seen again.

Three shots were heard but other reports say a fourth shot was heard. The single bullet theory tried to say that only one bullet was used ricochetin­g all over the place and causing so many wounds! This bullet appeared at the hospital but bore no trace of either human tissue or clothing.

We have many good events coming up soon, the first being a trip to London for the NAWC Carol Concert after which the coach will tour London Lights.

This will be followed in December by our annual Christmas Party at the Sonning Golf Club which is always an excellent evening.

Our next meeting will be held on the Monday, when our speaker will be Tony Weston who will tell us all about Brownsea – A Secret Island.

 ??  ?? Woodley Women’s Club held a sale in the Crockhamwe­ll Road pagoda on Friday last week
Woodley Women’s Club held a sale in the Crockhamwe­ll Road pagoda on Friday last week

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