Wokingham Today

Living life to the full

- Alison Awuku from Wokingham Seventh Day Adventists on behalf of Churches Together in Wokingham

MOST of us strive to live life to the full. To be completely content, satisfied and fulfilled. But the uncertaint­ies that the realities of life present often challenge our ambitions. Leaving us sometime feeling as though we are ‘chasing after the wind’.

But in the midst of the atrocities, can we really live full, abundant lives? Intrinsic within the human nature is the need to hope; to look forward to a better tomorrow, despite the odds that we may face today.

Often wondered why the Bible is the best -elling book ever? Perhaps it could be because in it is the invitation and promise for each and all of us to live our lives to the full.

In John 10:10, Christ’s priority for us could not be any clearer: ‘I have come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly’ (Jn10: 10).

The Seventh Day Adventists, like other Christian denominati­ons believe that in relating with Christ, we are well on our way to living life to the full. Why? Because day-by-day, the purpose for our lives becomes clearer, hence giving us a clear sense of identity and direction.

Ever wondered why some people are better able to handle problems than others? Why some people can remain calm and in control despite their world crumbling around them. Perhaps the answer is in the relationsh­ips they have? Or perhaps its because they understand Who really is in control of their lives as they may have read in the Bible, and so they are able to live life to the full, no matter what circumstan­ces, god or bad they find themselves in.

For Seventh Day Adventists, the Bible is, and has always been relevant for all generation­s. The necessary revelation to our full potential is freely given us in the Bible.

It takes education to know and a community to grow, which is why Wokingham’s Seventh Day Adventist community is happy to share and grow with you on the pathway to living life to the full today and in the future. Living life to the full is building on a Solid Rock (Matthew 7:24-25) that is able to withstand any of the storms of live… because the true test of living life to the full is being able to enjoy peace beyond all human comprehens­ion in the ever growing challenges that living life in today’s world throw at us.

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