Wokingham Today

Presents stolen


THIEVES have stolen Christmas presents from a house in Woodley.

Overnight on Friday, December 15, callous thieves broke into a property in Austin Road and made off with a number of gifts from under the tree while the victim, a 44-year-old woman, slept upstairs.

When she awoke at 6am the following morning the victim, who suffers from a lifelimiti­ng illness, found the front door open and her family’s Christmas presents missing, along with a laptop and a SatNav.

Police have managed to recover a number of the presents which had been dumped in Vauxhall Park, in Vauxhall Road, but they are damaged and need to be replaced. The remaining presents are still missing, including a food grill, power bank phone charger, cash, scratch cards and chocolate.

The HP laptop has a silver lid and a black base, and also had a USB memory stick plugged into the side, which contained precious family photos of the victim and her children, which have great sentimenta­l value to the victim.

Investigat­ing officer, PC Erika King from the Bracknell and Wokingham Investigat­ion Hub, said: “This burglary has had a huge emotional impact on the victim and her family due to the personal circumstan­ces.

“I would particular­ly like to hear from anyone who may have seen or heard anything unusual in this area around the time of the incident.”

If you have any informatio­n call 101 quoting reference ‘4317037161­3’.

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