Wokingham Today

Blokes in Wokingham urged to ‘slim like a man’ this New Year


Aslimming Consultant who supports people in Wokingham to lose weight each week says men shouldn’t be shy about joining a slimming group – the evidence shows they actually lose more weight than women. Linda Murray-Hitchen who runs the Wokingham Slimming World group was talking about obesity and the dangers of carrying excess weight around the waist. Diabetes UK suggests that a large waist circumfere­nce is also a key risk factor and obesity is the most significan­t risk factor for developing Type 2 diabetes, accounting for 8085% of the overall risk of developing the condition. Linda says: “Weight problems are common among both men and women, and around 700 people a day in the UK are diagnosed with diabetes. But figures show that men typically keep weight worries to themselves for as long six years, as many just don’t like to ask for help. “Slimming World and the Men’s Health Forum are calling for men to get support to lose weight.” Neil Bardo from Wokingham was a Type 2 diabetic who has lost 8½ stone with the group since September 2016 and dropped 22 inches from his waist going from a size 52 to 30. And importantl­y, he has now reversed his diabetes and is free from all medication. He says: “Joining Slimming World has been one of the best things I’ve ever done. Before, I thought slimming groups were just for women and not my cup of tea at all – but ašer a nudge from my wife and Diabetic Nurse I decided I had nothing to lose by giving it a try. “I was pre›y nervous on my first night, but from the moment I walked into the group everyone made me feel really welcome. There were other guys there too which helped put me at ease. “Now those strangers have become a whole set of new mates, willing me on to do well each week. We have a good laugh in group, as well as share challenges, our plans for overcoming them, ideas for ge›ing fit and active and plenty of recipes. “As a Chef and a College Tutor I needed to taste not only my own food but my students’ as well. Meals were ošen fried or had creamy sauces with very few vegetables. However, by making a few small changes to the way my favourite meals are cooked, I can ensure they’re still filling and full of flavour, and also good for my waistline. “For example, by grilling instead of frying, swapping white bread for wholemeal and going easy on the bu›er, I can serve up a huge variety of nutritious and appetising meals and still lose weight,” adds Neil. “Thanks to the great support from Linda and the Wokingham group, and my newly formed habits, I have a new outlook and my whole lifestyle has changed. “I know that this fi›er, healthier me is here to stay and I’d say to other men just to give it a go!” Anyone who’d like to lose weight and join Slimming World is welcome at the Wokingham group, which meets every Tuesday at 9.30am, 11.30am, 5.30pm or 7.30pm at The Salvation Army Hall in Sturges. For more details, call 07500 168020.

 ??  ?? Before and after: Neil Bardo has lost 8½ stone with Slimming World
Before and after: Neil Bardo has lost 8½ stone with Slimming World

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