Wokingham Today

Rams storm past Clifton to climb up to third place

Redingensi­ans Rams 43 Clifton 16


REDINGENSI­ANS overcame a slow start to storm past Clifton and climb up to third in the table with their ninth win in 10 games.

Despite their lowly league standing, Clifton came flying out of the blocks at Old Bath Road to move 11-0 up inside the opening 20 minutes.

But back came Rams with Oliver Cole crossing the whitewash, quickly followed by Jordan Souter.

And the tables were completely turned by halftime when Tom Vooght added a third try to open up a 19-11 lead.

But back came Clifton, scoring their second try of the day shortly after the break to reduce the arrears to just three points again.

That is where the away side’s hopes ended as Rams put their foot on the pedal in final half an hour.

Josh Sunley, Vooght, a penalty try and a brilliant James Baker score sealed the resounding 43-16 success.

“We were a bit sloppy to start with,” said captain Robbie Stapley.

“It took us a while to regroup.

“Then we just played the game at our tempo rather than panicking and scrambling to get the ball back.

“We put pressure on them and they started making mistakes and we just stuck to what we wanted to do.”

Rams end 2017 away to London Irish Wild Geese, looking to close the 13-point gap to the top two.

Elsewhere, BRACKNELL drew 17-17 with

Bournemout­h while CROWTHORNE forfeited their game with Slough.

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