Wokingham Today

From the courts


A DRIVER who didn’t have insurance or a driving licence has been fined £150.

Luke Cordery, 23 and from Egerton Road in Shinfield, was stopped by police in Church Street, Caversham on December 18 last year.

At a hearing at Reading Magistrate­s Court on February

22, Cordery pleaded guilty to the charges.

He was also found guilty of driving while under the influence of Delta-9-Tetrahydro­cannabinol – a form of marijuana.

He was ordered to pay £85 costs and £30 to victim services.

He is banned from driving for 12 months.

A PERVERT from Wales has been given an 18-week suspended sentence for grooming a 14-yearold girl from Wokingham

David Feltham, 41 and from High Street, Nantyffyll­on, pleaded guilty to the charge of attempting to engaging in sexual activity of a nonpenetra­tive nature with the teenager between September 14 and 17 last year and a second count of the same offence between October 3 and November 27 last year.

In addition to his suspended sentence, he is ordered to take part in the Horizon Sex offenders treatment and carry out 180 hours of community service.

He is also placed on the sex offencers register, banned from using the internet without any risk management software, banned from being in the company of girls aged under 16, including attempts to contact them via letter, telephone, text message, email or any social media site and not to have any unsupervis­ed contact of any kind with any female child under the age of 16 years other than such as is inadverten­t and not reasonably avoidable in the course of daily life and with the consent of the child’s parent or guardian who has knowledge of his conviction­s and with the consent of the public protection unit and social services for the area where the child resides.

He was ordered to pay costs of £85, and £115. A SHINFIELD woman has been fined £440 after pleading guilty to keeping her daughter out of school.

Cindy Baillie, 39 and of Anson Crescent, admitted that between March 8 and May 26 last year, her daughter didn’t attend Bulmershe School in Woodley.

At the hearing, held on

February 23 at Reading Magistrate­s Court, she was also ordered to pay costs of £595, and £44 to Victim Services.

A MUM from Lower Earley has been fined £220 for keeping her daughter out of school.

Samantha Hancock, from

Hawkedon Way, was found guilty in absence at the hearing at Reading Magistrate­s Court on February 23.

Her daughter was due to attend Hawkedon Primary School was was absent between July 10 and 14.

She was ordered to pay costs of £297.50 and £20 to victim services.

A MUM from Reading has been fined £220 for keeping her son out of school.

Donna Lorriman, 44 and from Mylum Close, was found guilty in absence at the hearing at Reading Magistrate­s Court on February 23.

Her son was due to attend Oakbank School between July 17 and 21 last year.

She was ordered to pay costs of £145 and £30 to victim services.

A MAN who sparked a police manhunt last year for taking his two children away without permission has been found guilty by Reading Magistrate­s Court.

Last September 43-year-old Michael John Cole from Bedwood Road, Wokingham, went missing with his children.

A preliminar­y hearing was held at Reading Magistrate­s Court on February 5, where he pleaded guilty.

He was remanded on unconditio­nal bail until

February 15 for his sentencing.

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