Wokingham Today

Temata to coach Raiders

- Anyone interested in getting involved with the Raiders, email readingroy­alsrlfc@gmail.com.

READING RAIDERS have appointed Karl Temata as their new head coach for the 2018 season.

New Zealand-born Temata amassed over 200 career appearance­s for both the Warriors and London Broncos and is now returning to the sport after a break of four years.

Temata also gained coaching experience with French side Limoux before moving to Berkshire a couple of years ago and now works as a company director of lawn treatment company Greensleev­es Maidenhead/Reading.

“I’ve been living in the area for a few years now with my young family and after devoting the last four years into building my business up, I felt now was the time to get back into the sport I love,” said Temata.

“From discussion­s I have had with the club, I’m aware it is in the early stages of its developmen­t so I will be concentrat­ing on improving the players’ core skills ready for the league season.

“I’m excited to meet the squad and look forward to making a success of the head coach role.”

Temata will be aided by assistant coaches Andy Parr and John Boucher as Reading prepare for their West of England League campaign.

“I am thrilled that Karl has come on board with us,” said Raiders chairman Andrew Belt.

“We are very lucky to have someone who has achieved so much in the game, playing at the pinnacle of the sport in both the southern and northern hemisphere­s, able to offer his experience to our team.

“This is just the first in what I hope will be a series of exciting announceme­nts in the lead-up to the season.

“I hope our playing squad are just as excited as I am to see what Karl can bring to the table as the club continues to progress in the right direction.”

 ??  ?? Karl Temata is the new head coach of Reading Raiders
Karl Temata is the new head coach of Reading Raiders

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