Wokingham Today

Fast-paced and stillness

- Kings Church Wokingham, on behalf of Churches Together in Wokingham

SOME two years ago a group of people from several churches did a course together about learning to hear from God. It was based on learning to understand and put into practice what Jesus demonstrat­ed to his disciples during his ministry.

Jesus said that he only did what he saw his Father doing, and he only spoke what he heard his Father saying.

He sent his disciples out to do the same, saying, “As you go, preach this message: The kingdom of heaven is near. Heal the sick, raise the dead… drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.”

After his resurrecti­on Jesus commission­ed his disciples to go and do what he did. In practical terms this was about learning to hear what God was saying in particular circumstan­ces and living, sharing and demonstrat­ing the Kingdom of God in every situation.

For the group, one of the ways of practicall­y doing this was to set up a place where people from both church and community could come, spend time in God’s presence and receive prayer from small teams of people who would pray with them and, together with them, listen to what God might be speaking into their situation.

So Kings Church formed PrayerStop and around 250 visitors have attended since its inception. It is a beautiful environmen­t and many people have commented on the special peace and presence they have experience­d there.

The next PrayerStop is on Saturday 12th May; details are in ‘What’s On’ this week.

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