Wokingham Today

Protecting our green spaces is a must



IF THERE has been one issue that has dominated comments, letters, texts and emails to us in recent weeks it has been the removal of cherished trees from across Wokingham. Now more are under threat.

We lament the loss of the elms of Elms Field, while also being optimistic about the future. Yes, it is sad that they couldn’t be saved but the regenerati­on should benefit us all in the end and the promise of replacemen­t trees must be kept for future generation­s.

But the threat to the ancient trees along the Thameside pathway is real.

If the crazy – nay, insane – plans for a single track bus lane bridge over the River Thames go ahead, it will mean the wanton destructio­n of hundreds of trees, some of which are hundreds of years old.

The bus lane will provide no real tangible benefits to getting traffic off the road. It will not benefit local residents and, with space for just 270 cars, it will not make the blindest bit of difference to congestion.

The environmen­tal damage to the area by the River Thames has already started with the removal, earlier this year, of trees, bushes and shrubs at the site of the proposed park and ride, a premature measure given that the Reading aspect of the scheme has yet to receive approval.

The plan to concrete over yet another green space is monumental folly – the many millions being spent raping our landscape should be spent on existing – and new – bus routes, not this.

Save our trees!

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