Wokingham Today

Dealing with change

- Geo Peck, from Woosehill Church on behalf of Churches Together in Wokingham

WE live in a time of unpreceden­ted change in so many ways. How do you deal with change? Dealing with change is a vital skill in the modern world. This skill is not often taught, but is still very important to all of us.

Dealing with change effectivel­y is much harder when we feel threatened by change.

Sometimes change can be a threat to us, for instance if somebody close to us has a major health problem.

Often change means that things we have spent years getting to understand are now different, which can be very distressin­g.

Brexit is a current example of this. Some things will change and there is no way of knowing whether the post Brexit world will be better or worse than before Brexit.

For me, the most important thing in this situation is to keep faith in ourselves.

Everything may be changing, but each of us will be the same person after Brexit than we were before. This applies to most types of change.

I try very hard to live in the present moment and not worry about what might happen in the future and keep faith with myself and God.

Faith in God makes dealing with lots of things much easier because I know that God cares for me and will care for all of us if he is asked to do so.

God has been looking after his people for many centuries. During this time there has been a lot of change and God is still there, still caring for us.

My faith in God gives me the ability to withstand the winds of change and as he cares for me, I have the confidence to know that I can thrive through change by keeping faith with him, believing in myself and not worrying what has happened in the past or might happen in the future.

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