Wokingham Today

Be persistent in being persistent to achieve success


HI Honey… I’m home! Right you truly awesome individual, your man Chris is back in the UK and ready to keep helping you boss your mind, your body and your life.

Last week, we discussed being excellent and used the acronym H.O.L.I.D.AY to help explain the concept of living a life full of happiness and excellence. Why the word HOLIDAY? Well that’s simple, I was on holiday and it seemed fitting to use it as I can still now clearly link all the words with the acronym itself.

It’s all about associatio­n and converting informatio­n from the short term memory to the long term memory. “You have one life… make the best of it.” “Work hard, play hard and do it with a face full of smiles.”

“Make your associatio­ns strong and stay in contact with people that help you be the best that you can be.”

Since we started this breakthrou­gh column on September 9, 2016 I have used a huge amount of quotes and I am going to share some more with you next week but this week let’s focus on the top one from the above list:

“You have one life… make the best of it.”

What does this all come down to then? PERSISTENC­E!

If you want to make the best out of your life then you have to be PERSISTENT.

As Vince Lombardi once said: ”Leaders are not born, they are made. They are made just like anything else, through hard work. That’s the price we’ll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal.”

By disciplini­ng yourself to persist in the face of all adversity, you put your life onto an upward spiral of self-esteem, self-discipline and persistenc­e until you eventually become a force of absolute unstoppabl­e nature.

PERSISTENC­E is self-discipline in action.

This is article number 100, yes 100… can you believe it?

This column has been going nearly two years and we have given you fresh content every week for the last two years. Name a topic we have covered it. Name an issue we have covered it. Name an area that we want to improve on physically we have covered it. Name an area that we want to improve on mentally we have covered it. Why?

… Because we have been PERSISTENT. PERSISTENT for success.

PERSISTENT to force change on a scaled charge.

PERSISTENT to bring about awareness on areas we should all be aware of.

PERSISTENT to be the best that we can possibly be.

PERSISTENT to take action on areas we want to improve on.

PERSISTENT to own our lives.

PERSISTENT to love Mondays (best day of week) and Thursday (The day the paper is on sale.)

For our 100th article I want to give you eight ACTION based exercises to do this week. When we celebrate, we celebrate in style and this week we are going for one hell of a party. So Chris, what do you want me to do this week? Check out my list of exercises and get them done. Don’t wait, go to your desk or lounge right now and do them:

Identify one area of your life that you really need to persist even harder than any other area on and then take action on that area.

Identify a goal in your life that you did not accomplish because you failed to persist hard enough through to completion. What steps could you take right now to succeed? What could you do right this moment to get you closer to the finish line?

Identify a big goal that you refused to give up on and persisted through to success.

Identify your M.I.G (Most Important Goal), your purpose in life, the one goal that if you achieved it would have the greatest positive impact on your life.

Write down the biggest goal you have, make a detailed plan of action to accomplish it, and then tell yourself that FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION.

Tell yourself that YOU are unstoppabl­e and make a decision today that will change your life FOREVER.

And finally the big one… Resolve to set, plan and achieve one important goal, overcoming the likely difficulti­es, obstacles, issues and setbacks that you will experience, and to work at it until you succeed.

Then REPEAT this process OVER and



This week I want to leave you with a quote that a client sent me this morning. I have changed a few words to avoid me getting told off by editor Phil but here you go:

“Do Sharks complain about Monday? No they are up early, biting stuff, chasing stuff, being scary and owning the waters reminding everyone they are an awesome shark.”

Are you a shark or are you the creature wanting be a shark? It’s your call!” Be PERSISTENT in being PERSISTENT.

“You have one life...make the best of it.”

Happy Thursday and do me proud after reading article number 100! Let’s do this!

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