Wokingham Today

Woodley Women’s Club


EVEN though the weather has been extremely hot for our last two meetings, we have still enjoyed an excellent turnout.

The speaker at our meeting at the end of July was Peter Thompson speaking about Miscarriag­es of Justice.

With his wonderful sense of humour, he began by explaining the definition of Miscarriag­e of Justice and we learnt that this did not only cover sending an innocent person to prison, but also allowing a guilty person to go free.

He told us of many cases that he had been involved in where these miscarriag­es had occurred.

Our next meeting was also very enjoyable as Haydon Wilcox spoke about his life as a vicar.

He began his talk by telling us that the purpose of his presentati­on was to make us laugh and that he certainly did.

Although he didn’t come from a religious background, he became a Christian at the age of 17. He had been vicar at St Michaels in Aldershot for 15 years, after which he retired to look after his ailing mother and is now, among other things, a Freelance Anglican Minister and a Therapist.

His talk was peppered with many corny jokes and stories with a religious background.

Tickets have been booked for the Mill at Sonning to see Guys and Dolls next January and we are hoping to visit London in December to attend the NAWC Carol Concert.

Our next meeting is on August 20, when our speaker will be Heather Wylde and her talk is entitled Keep it in the Family.

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