Wokingham Today

Kind-hearted Megan is giving Christmas away


LIKE most teenagers Megan Splain knows what she wants for Christmas – and has been busy letting everyone know about it.

But unlike most teenagers, the 16-year-old isn’t asking for presents for herself, she wants to give to other people.

The Maiden Erlegh pupil is collecting gifts that can be given to the borough’s senior citizens, ensuring that no one is left out this Christmas.

And she has been inundated with presents, meaning her home now rivals Santa’s workshop for gifts ready for delivery come Christmas Day.

Big-hearted Megan put out an appeal for friends to make up Christmas boxes with a few simple gifts aimed at an older man or woman.

Her touching note said: “There are lots of elderly people who have no family and a gift like this will bring a smile to their faces.”

She then asked her Mum Petra Scott to share it on social media, and before Rudolph had time to nibble on a carrot, the festive appeal took off.

“More than 120 people have responded,” said a delighted Petra. “We had a response from one office – all 30 people who work there are taking part.

“Lots of local residents have been taking part as well as friends from Megan’s school.”

The family plan to share the completed boxes with a range of care homes and charities in the area, including WADE and The Link Visiting Scheme, to ensure that as many people as possible receive presents this Christmas.

But there is a poignant reason behind Megan’s campaign: it is part of her tribute to her late Nan, who passed away in August, aged 98.

Megan used to visit her a lot when she lived in a care home.

“I saw there were quite a number [of residents] without many visitors, I thought it would be nice to give them presents,” she explained.

“All the care homes we have contacted have been delighted.”

And caring Megan, who is also an elite gymnast who trains several times a week, is delighted that her festive idea will make a difference this Christmas.

She said: “It does make me feel good, I like helping people, especially the elderly.

“I used to go and see my Nan on Boxing Day, and she used to love getting the presents.”

Now she’s looking forward to helping Santa out and sharing more love this Christmas.

Anyone wanting to add to Megan’s appeal is asked to make up a box or bag packed with a few simple gifts, such as puzzle books and toiletries. They should be placed into a wrapped gift box or bag with a label stating if it’s for a man or a woman.

To help, contact Megan by emailing meganholly@talktalk.net

 ?? Picture: Phil Creighton ?? Megan Splain with some of the gift boxes she has received so far. She is collecting presents that will then be given to older people who would otherwise go without this Christmas
Picture: Phil Creighton Megan Splain with some of the gift boxes she has received so far. She is collecting presents that will then be given to older people who would otherwise go without this Christmas

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