Wokingham Today

Know your strengths

- Personal fitness with Chris Hunt

IWANT you inspired. I want you motivated. I want you interested and then I want you COMMITTED. These words should be pretty ingrained in your thought pattern and conscious mind by now. During this series, I have started this column with the exact same words every week to really show their importance and relevance. I want you inspired.

I want you motivated.

I want you interested and then I want you COMMITTED.

As in previous weeks; I want to continue our journey of the case studies we have been focusing on and try and work through some examples of success.

Last week we covered COGNITIVE CUES AND AFFIRMATIO­NS. This week however, TALKING WITH OTHER POSITIVE PEOPLE and TAKING STOCK OF YOUR LIFE EVERY WEEK are going to be the focuses this week.

Being present and awesome is what it is all about and these examples are there to show you how implementi­ng some simple techniques is hugely effective.

So, what we waiting for?

TALKING WITH OTHER POSITIVE PEOPLE can be as simple as just ringing up a mate and having a chat about things.

One of my clients has had an abundance of work come his way over the last few months and this is great, but he has also had a huge amount of distractio­ns come his way too.

You see, he is a popular guy and has many friends but not all his friends have the same values as him. I gave him my advice which was to prioritise his commitment­s and then focus on the number one commitment that day.

I also instructed him to call two friends who he admires the most and respects the most when it comes to business and friendship. Putting some ideas past mates and then getting their reactions can sometimes be the simplest thing to carry out but it can also be so so rewarding.

After talking with his two friends and then reporting back with me, his choice was a very successful one and he was able to be FOCUSED and really DISCIPLINE­D that day and that whole week.

Talking with friends, going networking, having an accountabi­lity partner, being part of a mastermind and many other examples like this are all about associatin­g with positive like-minded people. You are the sum of the five people you associate with the most … pick wisely.

Next, TAKING STOCK OF YOUR LIFE is our case study to discuss.

How often do you sit back and go over your previous week or month and assess it? What went well last week? What issues did you have last week that caused extra stress or hassle?

Could you have improved yourself in any way last week?

How could you have handled a situation differentl­y last week and how could you implement it this week?

What steps could you take this week to take your success scale up a level?

What one area of your life needs the most focus this week?

One of my awesome clients earlier in the year was struggling with knowing where to commit his time and also how much time to spend on things. He was struggling with “paralysis by analysis” but this was because he wasn’t setting aside some time every week to analyse his life and where he needed to devote time.

When I first studied Business Studies at GCSE, an alarming 20 years ago, we spent some time learning about SWOT Analysis and to be honest this technique has popped up on many courses over the last few years.

A SWOT Analysis is concerned with STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNIT­IES and THREATS and can be applied to absolutely anything.

In this case I asked my client to run through some simple questions every Sunday night to set him up for the following week. You can see some examples of questions from higher above in this article, but they basically look at the STRENGTHS, WEAKNESSES, OPPORTUNIT­IES and THREATS side of life.

You should be specific.

You should be analytical.

You could be doing even more amazing that you are right now. I want you inspired.

I want you motivated.

I want you interested and then I want you COMMITTED.

Next week we are going to talk about the values of the Royal Marines Commandos.

I spent six amazing years in the best corps in the world with two tours of Afghanista­n thrown in for good fun during that time. I want to share some serious values that you could start incorporat­ing in your life as I really do believe there is a Royal Marines Commando in all of us, we just need to FIND AND DEVELOP it.

So next week we are going to cover:

The ability to fight and win anywhere in the world.

Individual Commando Spirit + Collective Group Values.








Profession­al Standards


Commando humour

So that’s a wrap for this week.

Be happy. Be amazing. Smile every day and make the world a better place.

Happy Thursday, until next week.

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