Wokingham Today

Folies Bergère


We have a farcical state of affairs in this incompeten­t country, in relation to Brexit.

The worst Conservati­ve Party in living memory, playing politics on an issue of fundamenta­l importance that concerns us and our children.

It was decided over two years ago, that, we the Voters, felt we must get away from the European mafia, their ever-increasing control over our future, our justice system – you name it - their intent has been quite clear for some years.

Twice in the last few days, the Mail Editorial (my sister detests that paper!) has taken whole pages to dictate what it thinks and what we must do about the situation.

Neither that bunch of know-alls, nor it seems to me most of the MPs and other jumped-up civil servants, are actually addressing the one issue which we have known about for a very long time – Brussels will not alter their stance on a trade deal with us, which actually lets us truly escape from jail.

As that was known so long ago, we needed to change our negotiatin­g tactics and toughness in argument. We

needed to start in parallel, negotiatin­g all the needed relevant trade deals with other countries, ready to commence next March, keeping in mind that a very good legal case existed for such action although in contravent­ion of EU procedures.

Instead of choices, viz. to accept their intransige­nce manifest in the

May Agreement, or prepare for my suggested massive trade shift planned to new customers/suppliers, where are we? No choice is there?

Also we do not have the leaders or government who have the capability to leave without an agreement.

My view is that the idiotic promise of a small fortune as a divorce gift, gave an early clue to our intent to accept almost anything that the public could be conned into accepting!

That’s what the Mail appears to preach, as do many others.

Their argument is that we can change things at a later date – just accept the EU deal.

Never believe such rubbish.

I cannot call it lies, as there is a feasible future possibilit­y Brussels may collapse as other members revolt.

The Lads in Brussels are already leaping with ‘Joie de Vivre’ and looking forward to a fantastic Christmas and a great present from Theresa May.

If you get the impression that I dislike politician­s, keep these definition­s in mind: ‘a politician was referred to as crafty intriguer‘; or ‘that insidious and crafty animal,

vulgarly called a statesman’. (Old English)

I wonder if my prediction of many moons ago, will come to pass: we end up staying IN.

Reg Cli on, Wokingham

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