Wokingham Today

Free cuppa offer is Ship shape for elderly


A WOKINGHAM pub has called time on loneliness among the town’s elderly population.

The Ship Inn is offering free tea or coffee to pensioners during the winter months.

And staff promise to serve up a smile and a chat to seniors who pop into the Peach Street premises.

Manager, Dave Jennings said the scheme will run throughout the winter with more events planned during the year.

“We’ve all heard stories about how elderly people can feel isolated, maybe with no one to talk to for days,” he explained.

“Its worse during winter so we decided to open our doors to any elderly person to come in for tea and biscuits and a chat.

“Its something all the staff are behind.

We just want to give something back to the community.”

Dave said the Ship Inn has teamed up with

Age Concern to organise other events from free hairdressi­ng services to financial advice.

He also praised local shops and business in Wokingham who are publicisin­g the tea and coffee scheme.

“They have put up posters in their windows to let people know,” he added.

“It’s great to see the community come together in this way. Loneliness is a terrible thing so if we can help brighten an elderly person’s day, then that is something good.

“We’re looking at doing things like maybe have someone from Age Concern in the pub who people can speak to for advice or informatio­n.

“Sometimes an elderly person may just want to come in for a heat and a cuppa and if that’s all they want, then that’s fine. But others might want to chat and pass an hour or two so we’re open to whatever people need.”

The tea and coffee will be served free during the pub’s open hours.

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