Wokingham Today

A bouquet for Mr Amos


HIGHLY acclaimed, uplifting stand-up comedian and broadcaste­r Stephen K Amos is back from his world tour and preparing to bring his Bouquets and Brickbats show to Reading next week.

He says that his main aim is to cheer us up, for a moment, and try to help us forget what a mess the world finds itself in right now.

Bouquets and Brickbats. Praise and criticism. Love and hate.

Why such extremes?

Everyone these days seems to be an expert, a critic, a judge. Or a victim. Are we a nation of snowflakes with an unwarrante­d sense of entitlemen­t, unable to process opposing opinions?

Do people really understand what they feel so strongly about, and does knowledge promote more neutral feelings?

Why is everybody either mortally offended or so much a fan that they fail to see the faults?

Two years after Brexit and Britain is more divided than ever. Stephen K Amos says that he invited his guest to forget everything that’s going on in the world, and immerse yourself in the warming comedy of “one of the most likeable figures in British Comedy” (Radio Times).

Stephen is also taking part in the new three-part series Pilgrimage: The Road to Rome, alongside Katy Brand and Les Dennis. The BBC Two series, which will air soon, sees celebritie­s give up their creature comforts to follow the Via Francigena trail – to finish up at the Vatican.

He will be at South Street Arts Centre on Friday, February 1 and Saturday, February 2. Tickets cost £19.50 each and are available by calling the box office on 0118 960 6060 or logging on to www. readingart­s.com

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