Wokingham Today

Even cats can eat the strangest things …

- With Claire Turner

CATS are not as well known for eating things they should not, unlike their canine counterpar­ts. However some will swallow plastic toys, wrappers and string among other things.

Sometimes these objects will get vomited up or pass through without causing a problem.

However they may cause irritation of the stomach, blockages and sometimes even perforatio­n of the intestinal wall.

When this happens they start to feel ill and often come into us off their food, vomiting and lethargic.

This was certainly the case with Mika a rather handsome Birman cat.

Mika visited us after, rather impressive­ly, eating half of a plastic mat.

His owners had come back from holiday to find half a pink plastic mat and a rather subdued cat who was not interested in his normal food and was vomiting up bits of the mat.

They brought him down to us and an X-ray later it was revealed that his stomach was full of foreign material.

Mika had already managed to pass a few pieces of the mat and luckily none of it was stuck in his intestines.

However the main bulk of the mat was stuck in Mika’s stomach and was not passing through.

This was causing a partial obstructio­n and inflammati­on of his stomach making him feel ill.

Where the material was in Mika’s stomach and had not passed into his small intestine there was the option of removing the matt by endoscopy at a referral centre.

The mat could also be removed by surgery however this is a riskier procedure as it requires cutting through the stomach wall.

The owners decided to go ahead with endoscopy and Mika was sent to Anderson Moore’s veterinary referral centre where a large amount of pink plastic mat was removed from his stomach.

It took a while for the inflammati­on of Mika’s stomach to calm down after this but he has since recovered well and is up to his usual adorable mischief.

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 ??  ?? Mika the cat had eaten part of a plastic mat and it was stuck in the stomach
Mika the cat had eaten part of a plastic mat and it was stuck in the stomach
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