Wokingham Today

Campaign matters Leaping to conclusion­s What are the chances?


Well done to the totally ill-named Liberal Democrats (they are neither Liberal nor Democrats as proved by their post Brexit Vote stance) for their Black Lives Matter (BLM) event over the August 2020 Bank Holiday weekend.

It now turns out that they may have been inadverten­tly campaignin­g for another political party.

In a popular Sunday newspaper (September 6) an article stated that a BLM supporter is “spearheadi­ng the Taking The Initiative Party (TTIP)”.

The BLM supporter is quoted as saying “We are tired of being let down by Labour, Conservati­ves, Lib Dems and all of them...”

I suspect that TTIP may even adopt the slogan “TTIP-Winning


I am not surprised that some BLM supporters feel let down by the Lib Dems. I feel let down by the Lib Dem hypocrisy of their complainin­g about "privilege" whilst supporting having a large number of peers in a very privileged, unelected, and rotten House of Lords!

I am still waiting to read a letter in Wokingham.Today, from the local and national Lib Dems, as to why they have not unilateral­ly, and immediatel­y, scrapped their very privileged peers.

I think that they may be frightened at having to defend the indefensib­le. Never mind Lib Dems.

When the TTIP becomes a fully fledged political party you can assuage your guilt about being so “privileged” by voting for TTIP at every opportunit­y. It might mean the end of the Lib Dem Party but, hey ho, sacrifices have to be made for the greater good. Don’t they?

Over to you Lib Dems, the party of privilege.

Paul Clarke, Wokingham

I note the attack on me by Tim Lloyd about a simple question why a picture published by Wokingham.Today ( on its Facebook page after the Black Lives Matter event on Saturday, August 29 – editor)

What’s the betting Wokingham.Today has received a letter from Keith Baker claiming his innocence over his Facebook comment?

Whether intended to be racist or not, it was a snide remark to make over a photo where the people in the foreground are very clearly spread out. You couldn’t tell about the rest of the people pictured because there were so many there.

It is disappoint­ing that anyone would try and make capital out of a well-intentione­d protest that aims to bring equality to Wokingham.

Had Keith Baker attended, he would have seen this for himself.

Name and address supplied

Harry Atkinson, Wokingham

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