Wokingham Today

Sultan Balti raises funds for operation with signature dish

- By CHARLOTTE KING cking@wokingham.today

A WOKINGHAM family’s fundraiser has generated more than £7,000, with a bit of help from a town centre takeaway.

Sultan Balti Palace, in Market Place, has been pulling out all the stops to raise money for Dawson Gosling, a local youngster in need.

In February, Wokingham.Today reported on Paul and Nathalie Gosling who are hoping to raise £60,000 to pay for vital surgery for their two-year-old son, who has a rare form of cerebral palsy.

They are currently fundraisin­g to pay for an operation and aftercare which will allow Dawson to walk on his own.

Last week, Sultan Balti Palace gave more than £1,400 to the cause at a covid-safe fundraiser, after setting aside £1 from every single order since February.

At the event, the restaurant also raised further funds for Dawson by selling its very own ‘Dawson Dish’ — a chicken biryani created by executive chef Kuldeep Singh.

The dish was offered to passersby for £8.50, and raised an additional £195 for the fundraiser.

Those attending last week’s event included Dawson and his family, and Wokingham town mayor Cllr Tony Lack.

Raja Majid, owner of the restaurant, said he felt it was a big success.

“It went very well,” he said. “The family were very happy and Dawson even wrote me a card which was nice of him.”

At the fundraiser, Mr Majid handed Dawson and his mum, Nathalie, a cheque worth £1,425 from “customers and friends of the Sultan” — and they even got to try the Dawson Dish too.

“Everybody tried the biryani and I hope they enjoyed it a lot,” Mr Majid added.

Now, he hopes Sultan Balti Palace can hold more fundraisin­g events for Dawson in the future.

So far, the Gosling family have raised just over £7,400 for Dawson’s surgery.

To find out more , visit: www.justgiving.com/fundraisin­g/ dawson-gosling-sdr-fundraisin­g

To stay up to date with Sultan Balti Palace visit: www.facebook.com/ SultanPala­ceWokingha­m

 ?? Picture: Andrew Batt ?? ON THE UP: Nathalie Gosling and her son Dawson are presented with a cheque to help fund his operation
Picture: Andrew Batt ON THE UP: Nathalie Gosling and her son Dawson are presented with a cheque to help fund his operation

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