Wokingham Today

What do the independen­ts stand for?

Wokingham Independen­ts say Wokingham Borough Council change is much needed and long overdue. Although they are not standing in this election, here they set out their vision for the council


ALOCAL election is like an end of term for Wokingham Borough Council, with a third of council seats up for election.

How do you rate Wokingham Borough Council’s performanc­e? What would you put in an end of term report? If you feel it could and should be better, then take the opportunit­y to make a change in May’s elections.

Wokingham currently has three Independen­t Councillor­s, who have successful­ly campaigned on a number of topics, to improve the quality of life of Wokingham’s residents but it has been made harder than it needed to be to make any change by party politics.

Voting on all issues is strictly by party lines. You vote for a candidate to represent your community and they are ‘encouraged’ to vote along party lines.

Is this really representi­ng your community?

Independen­ts don’t think so. Independen­ts are part of the local community, so their policies generally relate to their town, village, council ward or a combinatio­n of all three.

Most importantl­y they are not tied to any party-political dogma or ideology.

On the other hand, some party candidates don’t even live in the wards they are standing in. They are there simply to represent their party, not your community.

There are some really good Councillor­s and candidates from all parties. Independen­ts recognise good work irrespecti­ve of political associatio­n, something others find difficult to do.

This ‘grown up’ approach is one of many behaviours that really differenti­ate Independen­ts from the parties. We do what we believe is right for residents, not what we are told to do by a few party leaders.

Can Independen­ts achieve?

There are already 33 successful Independen­t-run Councils in the UK. Why not Wokingham?

We believe it is time for a more grown up and up-to-date Wokingham Borough Council. Where residents come first not political parties. Where services are truly customer focused. Where residents have a voice that is listened to. Where all Councillor­s and Officers work together for the benefit of all residents, not just a few.

Where decisions are reached in a democratic way, not decided by a ‘special few’ behind closed doors.

Wokingham’s three Independen­t Councillor­s have campaigned continuous­ly, with success to improve the quality of life of Wokingham’s residents. Working with others of all political persuasion­s, where it is right to do, and standing firmly against when it’s not right.

Some of the things we continue to seek to change or improve;

Ensure all residents have opportunit­y to have a voice and are listened to

Ensure residents are treated as valued customers

Improve transparen­cy, especially in decision making

Review all processes, such as planning, to ensure residents get a fair and equitable opportunit­y to participat­e

Allow residents to be part of all Committees and Working Groups, that directly input into the council decisionma­king process.

Champion committees and decision-making bodies to be represente­d by the right person/s including residents (where appropriat­e) and not simply allocated to political appointees, allowing for proper resident’s participat­ion

Learn from and build on the considerab­le Independen­t achievemen­ts across the country, including support for a climate emergency, fixing potholes so making roads safer, preserving trees, hedges and our green spaces, supporting care leavers, increasing recycling, and growing local democracy.

Encourage debate and freedom of speech so all Councillor­s can have their own opinion. True democracy over party politics.

Support moving away from the iniquitous Executive council-run model that puts all the power into a few hands at the expense of the majority of Councillor­s.

Champion collaborat­ive working across all parties to protect and revive communitie­s, working together to shape and influence local decisionma­king for the benefit of our residents.

Encourage Council to learn from the flexibilit­y and speed of action that has been demonstrat­ed through Wokingham’s Covid response and adopt lessons learned to benefit residents in the future.

Champion more ‘grown-up’ behaviours in Council meetings and decision making by reducing party politics and increasing focus on residents and action

The only certainty in any election is that if we keep doing the same things in the same way we will keep getting the same results.

Independen­ts ask you to use your vote wisely and make it count for an alternativ­e way forward.

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