Wokingham Today

Police promise car meet action in town


POLICE are teaming up with Wokingham Borough Council in a bid to clamp down on car meets that have plagued the town centre in recent weeks.

We reported earlier this month that drivers had been revving their engines and speeding through the streets.

And there was concern that police didn’t respond fast enough or initially send enough officers to disperse the meetings.

Wokingham Borough Council was limited in its actions as the meet was said to be taking place in the Elms Road multi-storey car park, which was not owned by them.

Now, Thames Valley Police is promising action.

In a statement on social media, it said that it will be running a proactive operation targeting antisocial drivers within Wokingham.

“You may notice an increased Police presence as a result of this. We will be looking to prosecute drivers and/or seize vehicles that have been found to be used in a anti-social manner,” the statement said.

And the force told Wokingham. Today that they are aware of a number of anti-social driving reports and have responded to “disrupt” the issue.

“The Neighbourh­ood Team is also aware of the recent reports and are looking into the possibilit­y of the creation of a community speedwatch team,” they added.

“We would encourage anyone who has informatio­n about incidents of this nature to please report it via 101 or online in order to help us to build a picture of what is taking place in the area.”

Residents making a report are asked to include as much detail as possible, including car number plates.

“We will deal with it robustly,” they promised.

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