Wokingham Today

‘Fans give us courage and make all the difference’


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Dele-Bashiru, who has joined the team on a season-long deal from Watford, hoped that fans would make the trek up to the John Smith’s Stadium to cheer them on.

“The fans make a huge difference to the squad, they help lift us when we’re down and struggling in the game,” he said. “They give us the courage to keep going and keep fighting.

“We need them to support us and back us and just be on our side and try and push us to the victory.”

Some fans have been vocal on social media expressing their concerns after the Royals ended up the losers following a last gasp goal from Coventry. They argued that the team sat back and let the home side keep attacking them. And there have been calls for Paunović to be sacked.

But the team needs bit more time, Dele-Bashiru says: “(With) some new faces coming in, obviously it’s going to take time to gel and understand the way each other plays, and the way the manager wants us to play.

“It’s difficult for the fans, because they just want us to win, they want to enjoy it.

“I do understand if they are agitated or upset about the result, but I’m sure we’ll be able to change the results and the victories will be coming soon.”

The team won’t be taking the Terriers for granted.

“They’ll definitely make the game difficult,” Dele-Bashiru says. “They’ll compete, they’ll be physical and we’ll need to match them, definitely, with the physical and competitiv­e aspect of the game.

“Hopefully we can try and play our football, create chances and hopefully winthe game.

“The boys know what the goal is: three points. We know what we have to do.”

Junior Hoilett, who says he is happy to have signed for Reading, says the Royals need to ensure they’ve done their homework and really studied their opponents.

“We’ve still got to treat everybody with respect because anybody could turn up on the day. You’ve got to really tune in to your task and be prepared. We wouldn’t take any game for granted,” he said. “In the Championsh­ip every game is a battle.”

He added: “Our spirit is up and we have to carry on working hard, and training, and progress as a team and a unit.”

Since arriving, he has spent time at Bearwood, getting to know his fellow Royals and the set-up: “It’s one of the best facilities I’ve seen,” he says. “Everything here is great.

“The team welcomed me in with open arms and we’re gaining chemistry each day in training.”

He also praised Paunović: “He’s good, he’s positive. He’s let me know how he wants the game to the played, where he sees me fit.

“It’s been good to see how passionate he is for this club and for football.”

Huddersfie­ld Town v Reading kicks off at 3pm on Saturday

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