Wokingham Today



A WOKINGHAM woman has been jailed for 18 weeks, suspended for 12 months, as magistrate­s felt she had exhibited a wilful and persistent failure to comply with a community order imposed on her.

Louise Sally Beasley, 27 and from Norreys Avenue, was sentenced at Reading Magistrate­s Court on July 15.

On March 8 last year, she threatened to ‘smash his windscreen and cut his brake lines on his car’ of her victim. She had pleaded not guilty on November 3 last year, but her case was proven in absence on May 7.

On May 7, she failed to appear at the court

On February 1, she was convicted of theft from a shop and a community order imposed on her

The original offence was stealing cosmetics worth £929 from Boots’ branch in Bracknell’s High Street.

She was ordered to pay £128 to victim services at a rate of £20 per month from October 17 this year.

A BINFIELD man has been ordered to stop driving for 25 months and undertake up to five days of a rehabilita­tion activity.

James Boyer, 48 and from Dunford Place, appeared before Reading Magistrate­s Court on

July 15, where he admitted drink driving. A test found he had 97 microgramm­es of alcohol in

100 millilitre­s of breath, when he was stopped at Framptons Bridge Roundabout in the village on February 19.

In addition to surrenderi­ng his licence, Boyer must pay an £80 fine, £85 costs and £95 to victim services, at a rate of £20 per month from October 17.

AN ARBORFIELD woman who was five times over the limit has been banned from driving for 28 months and ordered to receive treatment for alcohol addiction.

Ashley Davies, 29 and from Faraday Close, pleaded guilty when she appeared at Slough Magistrate­s Court on July 16.

She had been stopped on Princess Marina Drive on February 14. A test found she had

250 microgramm­es of alcohol in 100 millilitre­s of breath.

She must pay £85 costs and

£95 to victim services.

A FINCHAMPST­EAD man has been given a 26-week suspended sentence after reoffendin­g while a community order had been imposed on him.

Alexander Anthony Clark, 22 and from Finchampst­ead Road, admitted being in possession of cannabis when he was stopped by police on March 2 in Wokingham.

He had been found guilty of the same offence on August 25 last year.

Under the terms of his order, he must undertake an eight-week curfew, ending on September 13. Between 7.30pm and 6.30am, he must be at his home address. He must also wear a tag.

Clark was also ordered to pay £85 costs.

DRIVING while under the influence of drugs has seen a Wokingham woman banned from getting behind the wheel for a year.

Marie Salter, 35 and from Oak Avenue, was stopped by police on Bean Oak Road on January

27. A test found a quantity of benzoylecg­onine, a form of cocaine, in her blood stream.

In addition to the ban Salter, also known as McCallum, was fined £120, and ordered to pay costs of £85 and £34 to victim services.

A READING man who stole £40 from a man in Winnersh has been ordered to carry out 270 hours of community service.

Ionut Sandru, 29 and from Faygate Way, was also ordered to pay £300 costs and £95 to victim services following the incident which took place on March 28, 2019.

He had initially pleaded not guilty and opted for a summary trial, but changed his mind on July 1. He was sentenced on July 22, and may repay at a rate of £20 per month.

DRUG DRIVING has seen a Woodley man have his licence revoked for 12 months.

Mark Adam Whitlock, 35 and from Colemans Moor Road, was stopped on Shinfield Road on January 15. A test found that he had traces of Delta-9Tetrahydr­ocannabino­l, a form of cannabis, in his bloodstrea­m.

At a hearing at Reading Magistrate­s Court on July 23, he was fined £100, ordered to pay £85 costs and £34 to victim services.

A 41-YEAR-OLD from Woodley has been jailed for 18 weeks after committing a further offence while on bail.

Galan Skillz Zambo, 41 and from South Lake Crescent, was stopped on Lowfield Road, Caversham on July 23. A test found 112 microgramm­es of alcohol in 100 millilitre­s of breath, exceeding the prescribed limit.

He was also driving while disqualifi­ed.

Reading Magistrate­s Court heard his guilty plea on July 26, and ordered him to pay £128 to victim services and a day in prison for defaulting on a payment of £128.

He is also banned from driving for 50 months, and will remain disqualifi­ed until he has passed

“an extended test of competence”.

At the same sitting, he was jailed for a further 10 weeks, to run concurrent­ly, for a further charge of drink driving.

Zambo was stopped on South Oak Way in Reading on June 29. A test found 66 microgramm­es of alcohol in 100 millilitre­s of breath.

His licence was revoked for 18 months for this offence.

Zambo has pleaded not guilty to two further charges of assaulting one person and using threatenin­g language to another on September 26 last year at an address in Reading. This case was due to be heard at Reading Magistrate­s Court on August 9.

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